
Soal Ulangan Bahasa Inggris K 13- KLS 7 -Bilik Soal

Musim Semi, Tanaman, Sakura, Bunga Bunga

Soal Ulangan Bahasa Inggris K 13-kls 7 Bilik Soal

A.      Please choose the right answer!
Desta        : Good afternoon, Vincent.
Vincent    : 1) ..., Desta
Desta        : 2) ... ?
Vincent    : I’m fine, thanks. How about you?
Desta        : 3)………., I have fever.
Vincent    : You should go to the doctor, Desta.
Desta        : It is a good idea, thank you very much, Vince.
Vincent    : You are welcome Desta.
Desta        : I think I have to go now. Nice to meet you.
Vincent    : 4) ...

1.  a.Good night                      
c.Good evening
b.Good morning               
d.Good afternoon

2. a.How are you today?         
b.How do you do                  
d.How’s life

3.a.I am good                        
c.I am fine
b.I am sick                              
d.Take care

4.a.Good bye               
c.Nice to meet you too
d. Good night

5.Mrs Reni: Alright, students, I’ll see you again tomorrow morning.
Students : ...
a.See you later, Sir 
c.Good night
b.See you Ma’am     
d.Have a nice dream

6.A: ...
   B: I live on Pulau Komodo Street, Jembrana.
a.What’s your name?                            
c.Where do you live?
b.Where are you from?                         
d.How do you spell your name?

7. Reza : “ ... are you?
    Ima : “I am ten years old.”
c.How old           
d.How much

8.A:  How do you spell your name?
   B: My name is ARTANTI. It is ...
a.(ei) (ar) (ti) (ei) (en) (ti) (ai)               
c.(ei) (ar) (ti) (ei) (en) (ti) (ow)
b.(ai) (ar) (ti) (ai) (en) (ti) (i)                
d.(ei) (es) (eij) (ei) (en) (ti) (ai)

9.To do this hobby, we need a ball, eleven people in one group and shoes. So, my hobby is ...
a.Playing chess         
c.Playing football
b.Playing tennis        
d.Playing badminton

10.    Astrid   : I should go home now.
        Ivan          : ........, Astrid
        Astrid       : Thank you, Ivan.
a.Be careful                      
c.Good morning
b.Take care                       
d. How are you

11.What will you say when you meet your teacher at school gate at ten o’clock in the morning?
a.Good evening Sir!                            
c.Good morning, Sir!            
b.Good bye Sir!                                  
d.Good luck Sir!

12.Sinta   : I’m afraid, I’ll have to go now.
     Grace  : Yes, good night, Sinta
     Sinta   : Good nigh  
     The underlined words means that Sinta wanted to ..........Grace

13.Ester : I’m Ester. How do you do?
Fitri  : .............. I’m Fitriyani Maida.

a.Are you ok?              
c.How do you do                   
b.How are you?          
d.I am fine.    

14.Raya  : What is your friend’s name?
Indro  : ……….name is Anggi

15.Reza         : I want to sleep, Mom. ...
     Mother     : Good night, Dear.
a.Take care.                      
c.Good night. 
b.Be careful                     
d.Good bye.

16.Sinta and I ……. students.

17.I …….not tired. Let’s do the homework.

18.Anwar      : …… she a singer?
     Ruben       : Yes, she is.

   1          2        3          4          5         6
The arrangement of the jumbled words above is……..
a.3 – 2 – 1 – 4 – 6 – 5                             
c.3 – 1 – 4 – 6 – 5 – 4
b.3 – 1 – 6 – 2 – 5 – 4                            
d.3 – 2 – 6 – 4 – 1 – 5

20.spellcanyourpleasenameyou ?
   1          2       3          4           5          6      7
The arrangement of the jumbled words above is……..
a.2 – 6 – 1 – 4 – 3 – 5 – 7                       
c.2 – 6 – 1 – 3 – 5 – 4 – 7
b.3 – 6 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 1 – 7                       
d.4 – 1 – 6 – 5 – 2 – 3 – 7

B. Please answer the following questions!   
Text Box: a. What is your hobby        b. What is your name
c. How old     d. Good morning    e. Where are you from

Complete the following dialogue with the appropriate words in the box below!
Rara     : Good morning Ria
Ria       : 1)……. Rara
Rara     : 2)…………..?
Ria       : My hobby is swimming.
Rara     : Great, 3)…….are you?
Ria       : I am twelve years old.
Rara     : Oh thank you, see you later
Ria       : You are welcome, see you.

Text 1
Hello, My name is Ngurah Alit Wiantara. You can call me Ngurah. I live on Pulau Maluku street. I am eleven years old. In my family, there are my father, my mother, two sisters, one brother, and myself. I am a student of SMPN 3 Negara. I come from Indonesia. My hobby is playing basketball.
4. Who is Ngurah Alit Wiantara?
5. How many people are there in his family?

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